June Journals

another month passes, another tranche of photos finds its way on to shambolic. June has felt like a busy month, what with travels to the far reaches of the Island, cycling adventures, school ending, summer school beginning, Eggie's Birthday, Glastonbury by Proxy, and a brilliant visit from our friend Lee, with her two smalls, Mia and Finn, who have come all the way from Sydney for a couple of weeks (aww yiss!). July is shaping up in a similar vein, with a month of summer school, a move now necessitated by recent landlord fallout, and a planned driving tour of Lombok, the Gilli islands, and maybe Java as well. hope everyone (north side) is having a good summer. Sydney-siders....well, it will all happen for you soon enough, innit? here is my best trawl for this month's caption-worthy photo (along with a fairly lame attempt at caption). you're welcome to 'ave-a-go. till next time...      Man attacked in tassel jungle, freezes

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