Day 2 – Hampi-Pampy meets Resurgent Canadiana
December 4th, 2010 BikeShuffle: Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Hubli – 06:52 I’ve been gently reminded that I went to bed a bit pissed last night by the university-style beer hangover that is alive and well behind my eyes. This despite drinking a litre of water during the night. Although the mind desires to get up, wash, eat something and start driving, the body is weak. I feel defeated by even the horrible taste in my mouth. Outside they’re blasting an air raid siren and I’m trying to decide if this is because it’s now 7 o'clock in the morning, or because I have had the strange misfortune to have left my family in Goa on the eve of armageddon.... Last night over dinner, in what was quite a raucous ‘family’ restaurant and bar, I had one of those hilarious conversations – made even more so because we were both a little bit pissed – where neither person could understand a word the other was saying and yet were undeterred from trying. He was a moustachioed office worker, enjoying dinner and a few whiskies before making the 60 kilometre trek to his home. At his insistence, we did the full phone ritual – first he proudly gave me his number in English, then he had me call him so that my number was on his phone, then he made me spell my ‘good name’ so that would make no mistake about it. I’m sure he keyed in ‘tourist’ to help his memory in the same way that I put ‘Hubli’ to aid mine. Still can’t believe I am driving to Hampi. Having taken a day to get here, that means I’m going to be away for a minimum of five. Five days! Have been looking at the map and that old familiar feeling of ‘I wonder what it would be like to drive there….’ It has been getting even…