Day 1: The Excursion Diversion

December 3rd, 2010 BikeShuffle:  The Police - Walking in Your Footsteps Patnem Following a new high in kiddie antics yesterday, I think the missus may have spotted a look of pain which got stuck on my face and didn't come off.  She asked if perhaps the 20x7 childcare might be getting to me, just a little (i'm discounting Dumpie's four hours of school).  From there, it was an amazingly quick and congenial discussion that, unbelievably, saw us decide that  I would drive up to Hampi this morning in order to scratch (and hopefully eradicate) the bike itch which has been plaguing me ever since we got back to Goa. Result! So,  we're looking at a rather involved scoot -- about 370 km's each way -- not likely to be something that can be done in a single day.  This gives us a little bit of flexibility on routing, and rather than take the standard Highway 17 and 63 route, I think i'm going to go by way of the Anshi National Park.  Will be travelling minimal,  and with no spares or tools beyond my LeatherGirl it does mean that even small mechanical problems in the boondocks could prove to be a major headache (although I just know that cocktail fork is going to come in handy!). Anshi National Park Snake! Stretched out and sunning itself on a sharp turn.  Nearly spanning the road.  I thought it was a tree branch at first and lazily steered to the left to avoid it.  As I got closer I could make out the head, watching me, and then it gave the smallest slither to allow a small gap at the side for me for me to ride through.  Must have been over two metres, since there was very little road left, and he wasn’t even fully stretched out. I found myself wondering whether they could strike fast enough to bite you if you…